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Video Marketing: Trends and Benefits

Video has quickly grown to dominate the marketing landscape. Without question, it should be included in every small business marketing strategy. Video is engaging, dynamic, and extremely effective at reaching your target audience. With as little as a cell phone, you can develop product descriptions, how-to content, customer testimonials, and even influencer storytelling to attract and engage customers with your products and brand. Keep the following benefits, trends, and tips in mind as you put together your video marketing strategy.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Engage Customers: Video can appeal to all the senses and pull in potential customers in a way that written marketing just can’t. Every aspect of a video, from the images, sounds, and people, can convey information about your brand and your story.

Increase Brand Awareness: Video allows a unique opportunity to engage customers long enough to share your story, tell them about your products, and highlight what makes you unique or differentiates you from other brands. Customers appreciate a back story and want to feel connected to the products they purchase.

Improve Lead Generation and Sales: With added exposure and more engaging content, you are more likely to lead customers into the sales funnel and convert. Your customers will better understand your offerings, and what your company stands for, and will be more likely to seriously consider your products.

Generate More Traffic: Video content significantly increases the likelihood a customer will happen upon your brand, especially through search results. Developing video content for multiple platforms will increase visibility to diverse customer segments.

Increase Customer Understanding: Product tutorials and testimonials can quickly increase a customer’s understanding of the products or services your business provides. Video marketing allows you to fully explain features and benefits that may not be easily discernible in text-based marketing efforts.

Emerging Video Marketing Trends

Live Video: Live and streaming video offers the authenticity consumers seek. Live video can be used for special events, product demonstrations, Q&A sessions, or panel discussions and will create a unique way for your customers to interact and connect to your brand.

Vlogs: Video Blogs allow you to educate your customers about your product or provide otherwise useful content they will appreciate.  Regular vlog posts or vlog series development can attract customers and keep them coming back.

Educational Video: Many companies benefit from developing educational videos to increase their brand awareness and engage more customers. These videos can range from simple product demonstrations to how-to content related to your brand.

User-Generated Content: Influencers, product reviewers, and actual customers bring an organic quality to your brand’s communication. People want to see products in action, hear actual user feedback, and fully understand the details of the products they are considering for purchase; user-generated video content fulfills these needs.

Tips To Remember

  • Be Consistent: As with written marketing strategies, you must consistently post video content to maintain customer engagement.
  • Know Your Goals: Make sure you understand what you are trying to achieve, who you are trying to reach, and what you want them to do as a result of your video.
  • Be Brief: Your potential customer’s attention can be stolen at any point in your video. Make sure you are providing valuable content, but try to keep it concise and easily digestible.

Videos are so prevalent across multiple platforms that consumers all but skip over written content at this point. If you aren’t using video, you simply aren’t reaching all of your potential customer base. Please contact us if you have any questions or to find out how we can help your business develop a video marketing strategy.