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ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu: Mapping Your Sales Funnel

The Sales Funnel is one of the most important concepts in modern marketing and/or active selling. It graphs the conversion process of your audience based on the natural decision-making process and how to channel leads toward a purchase. However, when talking about the funnel, it’s easy to get lost in the jargon. If you have heard of ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu, you may be wondering just what kind of nonsense is going on.

Don’t worry, these are just shortened versions of the three major stages of the sales funnel process: Top, Middle, and Bottom of Funnel Marketing.

We can explain what these three terms mean and how they relate to your selling strategy.


ToFu: Top of Funnel – Awareness

ToFu stands for Top of Funnel. It indicates the entry point for most leads, where they become aware of their need and how your brand might relate to their desire. Top of Funnel content is typically inbound marketing that addresses opening questions buyers might ask like “Why do my sneakers hurt?” or “What do kittens eat?”

Sales persons also typically rely on lead qualification to get passed the ToFu stage, otherwise they are cold calling.


MoFu: Middle of Funnel – Solutions

MoFu stands for Middle of Funnel. It is the stage where leads are looking for a solution and comparing their options. In content marketing, this would typically involve articles that list and compare different solutions and content that details the value of specific solutions. For example “X types of therapeutic inserts for sneakers” or “X brands of kitten food and what they have to offer”.

Sales usually takes the lead during the middle of the funnel and is prepared to pitch their solution as the answer to a customer’s problem.


BoFu: Bottom of Funnel – Decision-Making

BoFu stands for Bottom of Funnel. This is where the customer makes a decision and may research more deeply to choose exactly the right product. In content marketing, product guides and reviews are useful at this stage. For sales, this is where walking customers through the features of similar products might help to make the sale.


Ready to master every stage of the sales funnel and increase your brand’s lead conversions? Contact Empowered Pulse to learn more.