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Targeting Different Audiences via Social Media

If you run a small business, you probably already have a website, blog and social media pages. Most businesses realize that it’s important to have these three components in their online presence. However, just starting a blog and social media pages isn’t enough. You also have to keep updating them and adding fresh material. The more fresh, relevant material you add, the better the chances of your being found by your potential customer. So here are some tips to exploit social media to the max and promote your business:

There Is No Limit to the Number of Posts

You don’t want your posts to come across as spam. But it’s perfectly acceptable to post one comment/photo per day. And if you can put some interesting or valuable information in each post, then you’ll eventually develop a reputation as a thought leader in your field. But this takes some time. For now, it’s enough to start posting as often as you can.

You Can Experiment on the Types of Posts

There’s no rule which says your posts have to follow one format. You can experiment with different photographs and different types of content to see what your followers respond to the most. Once you find something that works, there’s no harm in doing it even more.

Try to Target Different Audiences via Your Posts

Do you only have one target audience or do you have a few? A generally conversational tone will target all audiences at one go. But if you want, you can also target different audiences by using different types of photos and content.

Targeting Audiences in their 20s, 30s and 40s

For example, maybe you’re selling clothes that can be worn by professionals in their twenties, thirties and forties. In that case, you might target these three demographics separately by writing about the types of things that they are interested in.

What Are Different Audiences Interested In?

Among other things, people in their twenties are generally interested in finding romantic partners, but by the time they get into their thirties, they might be more interested in raising children. So these are angles you can use to attract them to your business.

Contact us for more great tips for using social media to grow your business.