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Non-Traditional Sales Funnels: Using Your Car To Advertise Your Business!

Have you ever wanted to make money while having fun in a vehicle? Look no further than your own car — one of the most effective non-traditional sales funnels that are available for your business today!

Let’s take a look at the number of ways to make money with advertising on your car (and there’s no shortage of additional ideas, to be sure!):

  • Branded drivers for food trucks: do you have a company that you work with, on a business level, that would like to advertise their food on your truck? Think of nothing else than to request them to sponsor your car! You’ll be able to charge them appropriately for the privilege of being blazed across your car, which will help you financially! Even if you only make a few hundred dollars a month, the advertising more than pays for itself!
  • Samplings and Giveaways: you don’t have to just use your car as a food truck. You can use it as a place where you can give out samples of a trendy item (like a fidget spinner). Team up with a reputable marketing company and offer your services with your car. You’d be amazed how many people could use your sampling services! And yes, it’s another excellent way to make money.
  • Interactive Marketing: since everything is digital these days, why not hook up a digital dock to your car, and use that to advertise whatever it is that needs advertising? Of course, this is another thing you can charge for a company to advertise with.

These are just a few of the many ways that your car can make you money as a non-traditional sales funnel. However, there are many other ways to use non-traditional sales funnels for your business. For more information on non-traditional sales funnels, and how they can work best for your business, contact us today.