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“Know Thy Customer” and Other Pillars of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways of getting the word out about your product or service. Whether you’re just starting your company or your company and product have been around for many years, social media marketing can help you.

If you’re running a startup, then social media can help you to be seen by many potential customers. If your company has been around for a long time and you already have a customer base, then social media can help you to expand it. Via social media, you can reach completely different demographics whom you may never even have thought of targeting before. Here are the pillars of social media marketing:

Know Thy Customer

The inscription at the temple of Apollo in Greece says “know thyself,” but when it comes to social media marketing, the most important thing is to know thy customer! If you can come up with a customer profile, then that’s best.

  • What does your average customer do?
  • What are their interests?
  • What’s important to them?

If you know all this about your customer, it becomes easier to predict what type of social media post they will be most responsive to.

Post Often

When you start a marketing campaign, it’s important to keep going at it until you see results. And when it comes to social media marketing, this means posting as often as you can.

It’s also helpful to have more than one social media account. There are so many social media platforms out there, from Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and Pinterest. You’ll need to figure out which ones your clients are most likely to use and then keep posting on them.

Engage Followers

If you want to build up a social media following, you’ll have to be responsive to your followers. When you first start posting, you’ll find that people will respond to you with likes and comments.

Some of the comments might be positive, which is great; this means you need more posts of that sort. Some of the comments might be negative, in which case you’ll need to consider whether you need to change your strategy. In either case, it’s good to keep responding to customers and thanking them for their feedback.

Social Media Advertising

Keep in mind that you can also advertise on social media, in addition to posting frequently. When you do this, your advertisement will show up in-between posts on people’s feeds. And if they find it interesting, they are likely to click on it to visit your social media page. They might even become followers and, eventually, customers.

Maintain Your Brand

One thing that you have to be really careful about is maintaining your brand and your company image on social media. This platform looks like it’s a very casual space, with people just posting things spontaneously. However, if you post something spontaneously and it rubs people the wrong way, it will take a long time to recover from it.

So whenever you post something, ask yourself, “Is this post in keeping with the brand and company image that I want to project?” If so, then go ahead and post it.

Contact us to learn more about the five pillars of social media marketing and how you can use them as a part of your marketing strategy.