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How to Be Consistent but Also Experimental on Social Media

social media consistency

Many business owners have heard about how social media can be great for drumming up business. However, when they create social media accounts and start posting, they find that the results are less than stellar. It can be hard to build up a following on social media; you may feel like your posts don’t have any impact at all.

At times, you may keep posting every week only to have a couple of hundred followers at the end of six months. And although the “likes” on your posts may keep increasing, you might wonder why the people who like your posts don’t become your followers. Here are some of the mistakes you might be making on social media:

  1. Not Posting Often Enough: Maybe you’re posting once a week or even twice. You may think that that’s a lot, but you may not realize that there are people who are posting twice or three times a day. If your competitors are posting more often than you, then they’re going to have more followers. So some research and find out how often others in your field are posting. Then you can also increase your number of posts accordingly and get similar results.
  2. Posting the Same Type of Thing Over and Over: Do your posts all look pretty similar? There are times when this can work for you and there are times when it may not. If one type of post is not working, then do go ahead and try something else. There are so many different things that you can post—photos, videos, written content, etc. You can be funny, serious, motivating, informative, or cutting edge. Try out a few different techniques and see what works best for your business.
  3. Being Inconsistent: Let’s say you post a lot for a couple of months and your number of followers increases. Does this mean that you can now take a break and go back to social media after a break? It most definitely does not! Your competitors aren’t taking breaks; in fact, they may be stepping up their efforts and doing more and more to enhance their online presence. So you need to make sure that you stay consistent or even do more to attract customers and keep them satisfied.

Contact us for more great tips on using social media to enhance your online presence and grow your business.