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B2B Marketing Trends

Business-to-business (B2B) marketing is an ever-evolving field, and this year will be no different. If you want to know what to expect, we will explore the top four marketing trends to dominate in 2024.

AI Influence

AI has become more and more prevalent this past year. Businesses make use of AI to automate tasks, conduct customer service functions, market products, and more. It is crucial, however, for AI to only be used as a tool. Humans must review AI-generated content and adjust it accordingly to avoid mistakes.

Increased Human Contact

With the increase in remote work and the use of AI, many people and businesses crave human interaction. Marketing teams will conduct more business in person as well as interact at in-person community events.

Emphasis on Sustainability

Nielson study conducted in 2019 found that 73% of global consumers would definitely or probably change their consumption habits to reduce environmental impact, and 40% would pay more for sustainable products.

Eco-friendly and sustainable practices will continue to grow in businesses. When marketing, companies will highlight their sustainability efforts and endeavors.

Video Marketing

Video marketing has been on the rise for several years. This trend continues in 2024. 85% of internet users watch videos online. Video marketing allows companies to reach a broader audience. It also allows them to provide consumers with a lot of information in a short amount of time.

Short-form video, in particular, is on the rise. Short-form advertising on social media has proven effective. 85% of social media users have bought a product based on a short-form advertisement.


B2B marketing is evolving. Staying on top of current and rising trends is critical to a company’s success. The team at Empowered Plus always stays one step ahead of marketing trends, ensuring your company is always seen. Contact us today to discuss your company’s marketing plans, goals, and strategy.