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Mastering Your Marketing Mix: How to Select the Techniques That Deliver Results

Choosing the marketing techniques that will ultimately provide results for you is about more than just going with your gut. It is about thinking carefully about the role that each approach has for you and how you can end up getting the kind of results that really matter to you. There are four P’s to think about when considering your marketing mix: Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. 


The central thing that you must think about when creating any kind of marketing approach is the product that you are pitching to your audience in the first place. Your goal is to get them excited about your product and to discuss the virtues of that product at length. Think about what the upsides of that product are before you create your message. 


Where are you putting your ads out into the public? You should have given this some consideration as you want to ensure that you are getting your messages out to the right distribution channels. When you meet your customers where they are, then you can start to find a better result from your marketing efforts. 


The way that you price the product that you are advertising will obviously have an enormous impact on how much of that product you sell. Make sure you are on top of things when it comes to pricing your product for the type of people that you intend to sell it to. 


Creating special promotions for the products that you are trying to get out there is another great marketing tactic. Spread the word far and wide when you are lowering the price of your products or offering some kind of promotion so that your customers will know what to be on the lookout for. 

For more information on how to create great marketing results, reach out and contact us today.