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3 Nurture Email Marketing Ideas to Boost Re-Engagement

When brands debate between drip and nurture emails, the most practical answer is often “Both!”. Drip emails go out regularly, often to everyone on the same email list at once. But nurture emails are inspired by a customer’s recent activities.

This begs the question: What activities should inspire a nurture email, and how should you encourage them to re-engage? We’ve put together three nurture email marketing ideas that are sure to entice your shoppers back to their unfinished carts by rewarding them for visiting recently.


Wishlist Opportunity Alerts

A wishlist is a powerful tool both for shoppers and for nurture email marketing. When an item on a customer’s wishlist goes on sale or drops in price, this is the perfect opportunity to reach out and re-engage them.

You can even make up a sale just for them, bundling two or three matching items on the wishlist into a savings opportunity that will be hard to resist. Waiting for a special occasion? Send the wishlist bundle in the customer’s favorite colors as a birthday gift opportunity.


Personal Shopper Suggestions

If a customer has recently browsed your website but hasn’t checked out, use their shopping information to send a personal shopper email. Use your predictive AI to determine a group of items that your customer will likely enjoy and suggest them as outfits from a digital personal shopper. Encourage the customer to come back for something trendy and appealing with encouragement from a digital friend.


Loyalty Reward Bonus Offers

If your brand has a loyalty rewards program, offer customers a bonus to re-engage. Offer a special discount if they return to check out within a few days of abandoning their cart. Drop an extra stack of loyalty points for visiting the website more often and completing a purchase they had already started to build. Customers who were on the fence about buying might jump at the chance to earn more points toward cool rewards and discount opportunities.


Looking for more nurture email engagement strategies? Contact Empowered Pulse for ideas and inspiration.